The Sun Enters Pisces— A Preview Into Pisces Season

February 18– The Sun pulls further away from the conjunction with Saturn as it enters Pisces at 5:35pm est, marking the beginning of an eventful Pisces season. The moon is conjunct Mercury in Aquarius, offering an energy to create from the genius that lies within. Pay attention to inspiration or ideas that may arise and take action. The moon will be moving into an air trine with Mars in Gemini at 15 degrees which can help with networking, anything related to social media, connecting with others and taking inspired action.

At the exact time when the Moon trines Mars, it will also square Uranus in Taurus. Ground the influx of energy, like a lightening rod into the earth, and channel this energy into what you want to create. We also have Coronal Mass Ejections heading to Earth from X-Class solar flares so we will be working through shockwaves of energy this weekend. Be sure to listen to your body and give it what it needs as we are moving through these massive shifts.

Medicinal Mushrooms are extremely helpful in assisting our bodies with adapting to the energies (and the added pollution we are working through from certain recent disasters), so if you have been feeling called to work with medicinal mushrooms, take this as your sign. Don’t forget, solar flares (and chemical pollution) can impact our bodies in a big way, leading to anxiety, depression, physical symptoms in the body— So be sure to listen and understand what your body needs this weekend, rest, and stay hydrated.

Here are the highlights this Pisces season—

The Virgo Full Moon on March 7th is just hours before Saturn enters Pisces for the first time since the 90s. The climax of this Pisces Season is on March 15th when the Sun, Mercury, and Neptune at 25 degrees of Pisces square Mars at 25 degrees of Gemini while Venus at 29 degrees of Aries squares Pluto towards the very end of the 29th degree of Capricorn.

Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and this mutable water season will bring a deep purge of all that is not meant to be in our lives any longer. Have you been resisting change in some area of your life? Is there something you feel that you are meant to be doing but have yet to begin? Do you feel like there is something you need to let go of in your life, yet you have been resistant? This is not the time to fight for our old lives or the old way of doing things. The planets are guiding us to surrender and trust. We are moving into uncharted territory in the chart, as well as in our lives.

The intensity that you may have felt recently is going to be building. This is Pluto at the 29th degree of Capricorn. And from February 27th until March 7th, both Pluto and Saturn will be at the critical degree of the signs they are in. Together, they will be creating endings as they break down outdated structures, systems, ways of life, narratives… We have entered into the darkness of the unknown. Our options are to be courageous as we step into the new realties presenting themselves to us… or we can cower in fear, hoping we can go back to our old lives that just aren’t there anymore. This is our chance to take what we have learned from the Mars retrograde that began October 30th, 2022 and apply it. Understand when to take action, when to observe, when to rely on intellect, and when to trust your intuition or inner compass.

Dreamy and creative Pisces is helping us believe in the limitless possibilities we can create in our lives, but in order to create our dreams, we must leave our addictions, doubts, and fears behind. Understand what is real and what is illusive. The propaganda and manipulation will be rampant during this time so be sure to trust your intuition and do not allow fear to distract you.

In what ways might you still be holding onto trauma from the past? Are you allowing your pain to prevent you from living the life you dream to experience? Surrender to any repressed emotions that may surface in the days ahead and pour love, compassion, acceptance and forgiveness into yourself. Is there anyone or any situation in your life you hold resentment towards? As you free yourself from these heavy emotions, you can free yourself from the past, from the chains that bind you so you can move forward into the limitless possibilities you can create in your life.


Pisces New Moon at 2 degrees


Moon conjunct pluto at 29 degrees of capricorn