Pisces New Moon at 2 degrees

February 20th 2:06am est New Moon in Pisces at 2 degrees —

There are many new beginnings happening as well as culminations and cycles ending. The new moon is forming an out of sign conjunction with Saturn at 28 degrees of Aquarius. At the time of the new moon, Venus at 29 degrees of Pisces is forming an activating sextile with Pluto at 29 degrees of Aquarius. Acknowledge in what ways might the chains of the past be preventing you from moving towards the future. With Pluto, Saturn, and Venus at the final degrees of the final signs of the zodiac at the time of this Pisces New Moon, we are being asked to understand what we need to take forward in our journeys, as well as what must be released. This is an opportunity to be alchemists in our lives— Turn lead into gold.

The time between the Pisces New Moon and the Virgo Full Moon is going to be an intense period of breaking down, clearing out, and purging all that is not moving forward with us into our new lives. This is an opportunity to end old karmic cycles, free ourselves from chains that bind us… Clear out toxicity, addictions or habits that are detrimental and prevent us us from fully stepping into ur power and being the version of ourselves we dream to be.

From February 27th- March 7th, both Saturn and Pluto will be at the anoretic or critical degree and this is going to bring intensity. We have reached the edge of the cliff and this is a time of understanding our power, as we step into our true authority and mastery. The last time Pluto was at the final degree of Capricorn was in 1777, which was a very revolutionary time. Not only are we still working through the energies of the United States Pluto Return, the entire world is also experiencing Pluto at the critical degree of Capricorn. This is breaking down limitations, corporations, structures, and whatever area of our chart Pluto has been moving through since 2008. Simultaneously, we have saturn working through the final degrees of Aquarius, showing us where we can fully embody our authority, where we need to be more disciplined, have more structure and routine in our lives so we can create a solid foundation for the new realities we are entering into.

When Saturn ingresses into Pisces just hours away from the Virgo Full Moon, Saturn, the God of time will be moving us into a new timeline. At the Pisces New Moon, we are seeing glimpses of what Saturn in Pisces will bring during the next three years, both individually and collectively. We have the power to decide what we want our narrative to be— We can decide the reality we want to create so we can build the solid structures that are going to allow us to manifest our desires. During this time, it is important to be resilient, persistent, and really embody the energy that Saturn offers. Saturn is known to bring great challenges, but when we honor and work with the energy of Saturn, we can also receive great blessings. With this strong Saturnian influence, we reap what we sow.

We have to take accountability for our actions and take responsibility for the way we are using our energy. Are we wasting our energy on distractions or things that aren’t worth our energy? Are we spending too much time focusing on things that just aren’t going to grow, no matter how much we try to nurture them? Are we wasting our energy on delusions? Or are we going to be investing our energy into this new reality that we can be creating for ourselves?

Collectively, challenges will be increasing— Natural disasters, hidden wars, propaganda. No matter how challenging life may seem at this time— It is important for us to decide our roles and fully embody them. Firmly ground and center your energy into that version of yourself and nurture it… Pour life into it. Saturn and Pluto offer a strong sense of authority and empowerment. Do not allow fear, doubts, or heavy emotions from pain and trauma to stand in the way of the life you envision for yourself. Face your shadows and fully embody the version of yourself that you dream of being… Experience the life you dream of. If we invest our energy correctly, now is the time that we can be stepping more into that version of ourselves. This is going to be a process and it wont be an easy journey, but this is exactly what many of us came here for.


Surrender to the Flow this Pisces Season


The Sun Enters Pisces— A Preview Into Pisces Season