Chelsea has been immersed in the language of the stars, practicing and studying astrology for over a decade. She utilizes astrology to perceive the world around her, providing a unique perspective to understanding and tracking the cycles of life.

When we understand how the astrological transits are moving, we can surrender and flow with them, making the most of the energy and embracing our power.

Chelsea is certified in three different methods of past life regression and hypnosis, all of which are utilized during her sessions– Delores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) and Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (SCHH).

Past Life Regression is a method of hypnosis that opens up a channel of communication from deep within the subconscious mind. Using hypnosis, the conscious mind is redirected elsewhere through techniques of relaxation, and a channel of communication is created to the subconscious mind. ‘

The subconscious mind is filled with lifetimes of information that we are able to tap into in order to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.

Issues from past lives can create recurring issues and energetic blockages in the current life. As once-hidden information is revealed during past life regression, there is no limit to what can be experienced during and after the session.

QHHT is a unique method of past life regression that was created by Delores Cannon during her 45 year career as a regressive hypnotherapist. It enables the deepest level of trance, otherwise known as the theta brainwave state. In this trance, we connect with our Higher Self or the subconscious mind– Wherein lie all of the answers we seek, as well as an unlimited ability to heal the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts of the body.

As DNA is activating and consciousness is expanding, people are able to access future lives, parallel lives, and even lives on other planets or dimensions.

BQH, expands on the teachings of QHHT and was created by Candace Craw Goldman after studying and teaching alongside Delores Cannon for over a decade. Candace describes BQH as consciousness exploration for spiritual growth and self-healing, focusing on energy, alchemy, intuition, intention and heart.

SCHH was created by Laura Whitworth, a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist and Entity Releasement Specialist who also practiced Delores Cannon’s QHHT for many years. Occasionally, energetic attachments or trauma from this lifetime can make it difficult to access the Theta Brainwaves, where past lives are accessed. This technique ensures that trauma from this lifetime is healed, energetic attachments are cleared, chakras are re-balanced, and the aura is re-sealed before regressing into a past life journey.

The awakening journey is not about learning new information– It is about remembering what we already know. All of the answers we seek lie within us. Past Life Regression is a healing experience that transcends time & space, creating a deeper sense of wholeness. 

To know oneself is the beginning of all wisdom.

If you are ready to journey into a greater understanding of yourself, while expanding consciousness and remembering your unique gifts, schedule with Chelsea now!

As above, so below.