Moon conjunct pluto at 29 degrees of capricorn

February 17– By the end of today, the moon will move into a conjunction with Pluto at the 29th degree of Capricorn as the Sun is on the 29th degree of Aquarius. Deep, repressed emotions may rise to the surface as we experience Pluto at the edge of Capricorn, on a degree we have never experienced.

Before the moon forms a conjunction with Pluto, it will square Eris, the goddess of strife and discord at 24 degrees of Aries. This is triggering an aspect that was happening between Pluto and Eris in 2020-2021. Collectively, our society is losing more and more faith by the day with those in power. We must release the savior complex. We can’t rely on those who govern us to transform this world. Pluto in Aquarius— The power is within humanity and the community.

How can we lean into community to feel a sense of security and connection? Ceres is still in a quincunx with the North Node in Taurus. How can we support ourselves right now? What can we do to feel balanced and secure? What resources might we need in order to move forward?

There is a fire trine with Lilith in Leo and Vesta in Aries. Something lies deep within each of us that connects to our higher purpose. How can we channel these intense emotions that may arise and create something we are deeply passionate about?

Our intuition and dreams could take us into deeper understandings. If we don’t get caught up in the heavier emotions and assist our body in moving through them, this can be an opportunity to gain a new understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We could even catch a glimpse of how we want to transform our lives as we transition from Pluto in Capricorn into the very different experience of Pluto in Aquarius. This is going to be an ongoing process that will last into December 2024, once Pluto leaves Capricorn without returning— But the transformation has already begun.

Pluto at the 29th degree of Capricorn is an extremely intense and volatile experience, and the moon will heighten this energy. There is great power that we can tap into and harness in order to transform our lives. So much untapped power lies deep beneath the surface, hidden within darkness. If we surrender into the depths of the unknown, within this darkness, we can uncover great power. Everything in our reality is changing. As we loosen our grip and trust fall into the universe, we can feel a sense of liberation that we have yet to experience. This is the transcendence.

Dane Rudhyar’s Sabian Symbol for 29 degrees of Capricorn is,

“A woman reading tea leaves— The ability to see the Signature of hidden meaning in every occurrence drawing one’s attention. In omens, one relies upon the power of occult forces or entities to convey the information that will clarify confusing situations. What is implied is the ability not only to perceive the facts of everyday existence, but to see through these facts and discover how they are related to the realm of basic meanings or archetypal processes. This is essentially what is meant by true CLAIRVOYANCE, the capability to see in everything the Signature of deeper realities.”


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