Sun conjunct saturn

Sun Conjunct Saturn at 27 degrees of Aquarius—

This is the final Sun Saturn conjunction during Saturn’s 3 year transit through the sign of Aquarius which began March 21, 2020. Creating rules, limitations, and boundaries, Saturn plays a large role in our physical reality as well as the collective narrative. Saturn in Aquarius brought “the new normal”— Social distancing, mandates involving new medical technology, the normalization of working from home on platforms such as Zoom, and the idea of taking personal responsibility for the health of others in the community.

As Saturn prepares to ingress into Pisces March 7th, pay attention because we are already getting glimpses of what this transit might bring both individually and collectively. We are already seeing a lot unfold involving issues with water. Be vigilant and discerning, while paying attention without getting sucked into propaganda. Saturn is a planet of preparation— We want to be sure that we are staying informed while listening to our intuition, so we can invest our energy accordingly.

We have the ability to determine the personal narrative we would like to create in our lives during Saturn’s transit in Pisces. This is a great time to reflect over the past 3 years to understand how we have evolved in the areas of responsibility, commitment, authority, and mastery. Understand what is worth releasing, and what can still be used and applied in the future. Through perseverance, consistency, and dedication, what do you want to see evolve in your life?

When the Sun and Saturn come together, this can be a time of stepping into our authority, making commitments, being disciplined, and creating some sort of structure or routine in our lives. How can we take responsibility and accountability for our energy and how we choose to spend or invest it? Depending on how we chose to use our time, this could have a negative or positive effect. It really is an energy of reaping what we sow. If we want to create lasting change in our lives, we must become accountable for ourselves and choose to take positive action.

The Moon in Capricorn is trine the North Node in and Uranus in Taurus, as it forms a sextile with the South Node in Scorpio. How can we bring innovation our lives to create tangible results for our future? Is there something that needs to change in our routine or day to day life? How can we be resourceful and apply what we’ve acquired or learned from the past? Ceres in Libra is forming a Quincunx with the North Node in Taurus— What do we need to create harmony and balance by nurturing ourselves, what we value or our resources? What do we need in order to feel safe and protected?


Moon conjunct pluto at 29 degrees of capricorn


Venus Conjunct Neptune— Mercury square The nodes