Venus Conjunct Neptune— Mercury square The nodes

Venus moves into an exact conjunction with Neptune, which can create a dreamy, creative, romantic and loving energy. Though that is just one aspect going on in what is a very complex chart. When considering the other aspects happening at the time of this conjunction, I would say this energy has more to do with acceptance, forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love during times of challenge.

The Moon in Sagittarius is creating tension and friction as it Squares Venus and Neptune. With Pluto at the 29th degree of Capricorn, pain and darkness is surfacing. There is a deep purging and purification that is taking place, whether it’s physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Things are surfacing from the past and now is our chance to be brave, face whatever may arise— And surrender into trust, acceptance, compassion and peace. The South Node in Scorpio has brought up much from beneath the surface and the Nodes are reaching their completion with the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Overall, there is an energy of intensity.

Later today, Mercury will be at 6 degrees of Aquarius, creating a T-Square with the nodes. Have you received the messages from the nodes over the last 15 months? Is the pain and trauma from your past preventing you from moving towards a life of value? Or are you going to transmute the pain from your past into love and into an energy that can be used as fuel to create the life you have been yearning for? As Mercury moves to 6 degrees, it will also move into a harmonious and expansive air trine with Ceres in Libra. Ceres is all about understanding what we need to nurture ourselves. How can we nurture and support ourselves during these times of deep transformation?

With so much being purged and purified, we can feel a sense of loss, grieving our old reality or the version of ourselves. Ceres trine Mercury is offering support through this process. What do we need to sustain ourselves, even in the winter of our life? How can we create more sustainable energy in our lives? So that even on the days we don’t feel like showing up, we can still honor our commitments. The Sun is less than 1 degree away from an exact conjunction with Saturn at 28 degrees of Aquarius, bringing a seriousness to the air— Possibly creating limitations, mental blocks, or a sense of restriction. Mars is still in it’s shadow, which can pull us into distractions or perhaps lead us into making excuses for not taking action.

Are you going to show up every day to the commitments you have made to yourself? Do you still show up even on the days you feel drained or feel overwhelmed by emotions or pain? How serious are you about the commitments you’ve made to yourself? Are you willing to create discipline and routine so that every single day you can work towards your goals? Or will you allow illusion, doubt, fear, or distractions to stand in your way?

We can slip onto the wheel of karma for a lifetime, a never ending repetition of experiencing old patterns and cycles. Seemingly moving forward while actually moving in circles. We can step off that karmic wheel at any time. We end our karmic cycles through the decisions we make all throughout the day, as well as adjusting our inner narrative. To change, we must be courageous and step out of the victim mentality.

There is a deep transformation taking place within each of us, as well as our society. Surrender to the transformation and allow the flow of change to sweep through. Whenever the energy feels too heavy or like the purging will never end— Assist your body in moving this energy out of your body. Ask yourself what you need in this moment and truly listen. Our bodies need all the support they can get right now as we move through these shifts. Solar flares, CMEs, Schumann Resonance spikes. The transformation is happening on a global level.

Mars is coming off an activating sextile with Jupiter in Aries, and moving towards a sextile with Juno in Aries. Dream your new dream, be disciplined, and work towards it every day. All planets are still direct for another 2 months. Be fearless in taking action towards your desires. Be bold, be courageous, and follow your heart as you move into new experiences and adventures in your life.


Sun conjunct saturn


Jupiter passes retrograde shadow