Saturn Semi-Sextile Pluto at the Critical Degree

2/27– Saturn reaches 29 degrees of Aquarius, creating a semi-sextile with Pluto in Capricorn, as they both prepare to ingress into new signs in March. Within 1 hour of the Virgo Full Moon on March 7th, Saturn will move into Pisces and for the first time since 2016, it will move beyond a 30 degree orb of Pluto— Finalizing the Saturn Pluto Conjunction at 22 degrees of Capricorn on January 12, 2020, which was the beginning of a new synodic cycle. We have reached the edge of the cliff and this is a time of understanding our power, as we step into our true authority and mastery.

As Saturn and Pluto slowly move through the minutes of the critical degree, there will be a deep clearing of all that is not moving forward. Pluto will enter Aquarius and return to the critical degree of Capricorn in June. This will be an ongoing process, lasting until December 2024 when Pluto finally leaves Capricorn, never to return in this lifetime.

Surrender and let go. Any challenges that may arise during this time are opportunities to create a deep inner-strength that will be used in the future. Transformation created by Pluto runs deep and is long lasting. Together, Saturn and Pluto will be assisting us in laying the old versions of ourselves and our old lives to rest. They will show us how we can embody more of our power, accepting responsibility of our energy and ourselves, and the commitments and dedication we need to make, as we surrender to this deep transformation and restructuring.

For the first time in hundreds of years, we will experience these two powerful planetary bodies changing signs within weeks of each other. This is going to greatly impact our personal lives and the world we live in for many years to come. Pluto, the planet of death, life, and transformation has been moving through Capricorn since 2008, bringing a focus to governments, institutions, and systems of hierarchy.

As Pluto finalizes this journey through Capricorn, we will witness immense change in our lives and the world around us. Saturn, the planet that creates structures, foundations, and molds our physical reality has been moving through Aquarius since March 2020— Showing us where we can fully embody our authority and roles in our communities— Where we need to be more disciplined, have more structure and routine so we can create solid, long lasting foundations in our lives.

As Saturn reaches the critical degree of Aquarius, Venus forms an exact conjunction with Vesta in Aries. Within each of us, lies a sacred flame, connecting us to our higher purpose. Sink into your heart, surrender, and allow the sacred flame that lies within you to guide you through this deep transformation taking place. The Moon in Gemini is moving into an activating sextile with Venus and Vesta.

Stay open to blessings, synchronicities, and opportunities. This is a powerful time of culminations— As simultaneously, we are moving into fresh new beginnings. Jupiter in Aries is square Pallas in Cancer— Understand what patterns are holding you back from experiencing the reality you desire and free yourself from these karmic cycles that have held you back for years, maybe even lifetimes.

We are moving into completely new territory in our lives. Trust in the transformation. Trust your heart to guide you. Stay open to the endless possibilities we are immersed in. Fearlessly step into the unknown.


Aries Stellium — Vesta, Venus, Jupiter & Chiron Conjunction


Mercury Activations 2/26-3/2