Aries Stellium — Vesta, Venus, Jupiter & Chiron Conjunction

We are under the influence of a Stellium of planets, asteroids and dwarf planets in Aries. There is an ongoing conjunction that will last up until the Virgo Full Moon, as Venus pulls away from Chiron, Jupiter and Vesta in Aries. Vesta, representative of the sacred and eternal flame that lies within each of us, moves into a conjunction with Venus, Jupiter and Chiron in Aries, forming a square with the Moon and Pallas in Cancer. Our emotions can be used as fuel, channeling power into our creations.

On the other hand, if we don’t assist our body in moving through heavy energy of painful emotions from old experiences, they can become stagnant in our bodies, weighing us down, and keeping us trapped.

Our emotions and feelings are like waves of the ocean— They’re meant to be in a constant state of flow. It is believed that when we have an emotional response to something in our environment, the chemical reaction created in our body is meant to last for only 90 seconds— Anything beyond that is an emotional loop as our thoughts re-stimulate a physiological reaction, over and over again. With this understanding, our triggers can be our teachers. They can show us where we still need to release judgement and free ourselves from ongoing thought loops that keep us bound to the past— Where our energy is drained.

Venus and Jupiter form a conjunction each year, whereas Jupiter and Chiron come together every 12 years with the last conjunction happening in 2009. There is an opportunity here for deep healing to take place. The relationships we have to everything in this life, begin with the relationship we have with ourself. As we heal ourselves, we heal our connections to everything in our world. The Sun in Pisces is forming a trine with the Moon and Pallas in Cancer.

This is an opportunity to strengthen the connection we have with ourself through emotional intelligence and empathy. Use creative expression as a tool of transmutation, alchemizing pain into power. There is a deep purification taking place within each of us. As we move through this energy by bringing our awareness within, surrendering to our heart, and allowing it to guide us, years… even lifetimes of healing can happen.

The Moon is creating harmonious aspects with the Nodes, Trine the South Node in Scorpio, and sextile the North Node in Taurus. You have the power to free yourself from old cycles that have kept you bound to the past. You have the power to create the reality of your dreams.

Mercury is nearing the conjunction with Saturn at 29 degrees of Aquarius— This is where thoughts take form. Believe in the limitless possibilities of the unknown. Belief in yourself. Align your thoughts with the reality you envision. Use your emotions as a tool to explore your passions and deepen your connection with your purpose. Surrender to the transfiguration.


Mercury Conjuncts Saturn & Enters Pisces — SUrrender to the Metamorphosis


Saturn Semi-Sextile Pluto at the Critical Degree