Mercury Activations 2/26-3/2

Leading up to Mercury’s conjunction with Saturn at the critical degree of Aquarius March 3rd, Mercury forms harmonious and activating sextiles with Juno at 22 degrees in Aries, then Eris at 24 degrees. Mercury in Aquarius is inventive, forward thinking, awakening, liberating, innovative and mentally stimulating.

What can you do differently to break through self imposed limitations in your mind? In what ways might you be able to take your power back from people or situations and pour that energy into yourself and your creations? Mercury is merging the energy of these sextiles into the upcoming conjunction with Saturn. This is an opportunity to make a commitment to yourself in order to support the foundations and structures you want to create in your life— Especially because as this is happening, the Moon enters Gemini, trines Ceres in Libra, conjuncts Mars, and creates a trine with Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius. Trust your instincts and take action accordingly.

Ceres in Libra and the North Node in Taurus are still creating a quincunx as they travel in a retrograde motion together in the chart. How can you bring more balance and harmony into your life, your relationships, or your relationship to yourself?

So far in 2023, the solar activity has been very active with consistent solar flares, leading to coronal mass ejections directed towards Earth. On the 25th, there was an M-Class solar flare which resulted in a CME that is going to impact Earth on the 27th.

Its important to remember that we are electro-magnetic beings and solar activity can have a strong impact on our physical, energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Our central nervous system acts as an antenna, connecting to the world around us. Be sure to rest when needed, stay hydrated, grounded, and support your body as we receive this heightened information coming to our planet from space. This energy is both activating and clearing our energy fields.

Over the next few days as Mercury in Aquarius creates these aspects with Juno and Eris in Aries, combined with the heightened solar activity, we have the ability to receive information, downloads or insights from space that can create awakenings or fresh new perspectives. Ground the information coming through in creative expression and stay open to the world around you— Surrender and channel what is flowing through.


Saturn Semi-Sextile Pluto at the Critical Degree


Exploring the Unknown with Pisces Season