Surrender to the Flow this Pisces Season

We have entered the Pisces Season Portal. By the time we get to the end of it, so much will have changed in our lives. The mutable water sign that closes out the astrological year is always connected to culminations, but this Pisces season in particular, we are closing out cycles that we have been working through for months, even years. This deep cleanse is creating space to make way for new life as we move into Aries season.

By now, many of us have likely been getting previews of the shifts that Saturn in Pisces will bring both individually and collectively over the next 3 years. Intensity is building and many people have been on edge, as Saturn and Pluto are quite literally on the edge— The final degrees of Capricorn and Aquarius.

Pluto will be slowly moving through the final minutes of 29 degrees of Capricorn the entire duration of Pisces season. On March 7th, Saturn finally pulls beyond 30 degrees of Pluto for the first time since 2016. Saturn will be entering the dissolving and dreamy realm of Neptune— Less than 1 hour after the Virgo Full Moon. The week following the full moon on March 15th, we will finally see Mars move beyond the degree where it stationed retrograde in the middle of eclipse season, on October 30th.

Right as Mars finally enters into new territory, it will be met with challenge, tension and resistance— Forming an exact square at 25 degrees with the Sun, Mercury, and the ruler of Pisces— Neptune. At this time, Venus will also square Pluto at 29 degrees. This transit is going to require us to completely let go and surrender. Happening in the final decans of mutable and cardinal signs, this will simultaneously create completions and new beginnings— A crescendo of energy exploding to the surface that has been building for months.

Under the influence of this mysterious energy of endless possibilities and limitless potential, we can move into the new experiences we’ve dreamed of for so long. But the new lives we crave so deeply, will cost us our old lives. We will have to leave the past behind us. Are you willing to surrender and let go? Release your fears and doubts— Trust your inner vision to guide you into the mystery of the unknown.

On the final day of Pisces season, Venus will conjunct the North Node while the Sun sextiles Pluto. Like I said, this Pisces season is creating space in our lives for the new realities we are moving into. Are you willing to sacrifice your old life in order to move into the life you’ve been envisioning for so long? Sink into Pisces season and allow all that is holding you back from the life you dream of to drift away. Are you ready to take the leap and leave the old timeline behind? Are you ready to take the risks that will be required of you? Do you believe in your higher vision and believe in yourself enough to transform yourself and your life?

All signs of the zodiac pour into Pisces, and that is the infinite potential and possibilities we are working with. To tap into this energy of limitless possibilities, we have to ask ourselves— What do we believe is possible? Our beliefs can either be helpful or detrimental in the reality we want to create, because we create our lives based off of our beliefs. Stay grounded and centered. Stay connected to the inner vision. And don’t get swept away in the deception, manipulation, addictions or illusion. This is a powerful time to be taking action and creating and we don’t want to distort our perception of what is possible.


Exploring the Unknown with Pisces Season


Pisces New Moon at 2 degrees