Mercury conjunct pluto in capricorn

Mercury moves into exact conjunction with Pluto at 28 degrees and 58 minutes, only 2 minutes away from the anoretic degree of Capricorn. With every transit, there will always be potentials for a higher expression of this energy, as well as the lower. This can be a powerful time to tap into all that lies beneath the surface and find truth— Our minds, our emotions, the way we take action or process information. We are able to experience the immense depth that life has to offer, whether its within ourselves, our connection with others, or even our purpose and unique abilities. This energy can assist us in bringing fears or traumas to the surface so we can alchemize them into love or passion.

Mercury has taken us on a long journey through Capricorn. Pluto has taken us on an even longer journey, slowly moving through Capricorn since 2008. Where in your life can you find the diamonds have been forming under pressure? Embody the power that came from all of the obstacles and challenges you have overcome and step into your authority. Fearlessly move towards your inner vision.

There can be a possibility for volatility, crises or reversals with this energy. A lot of repressed information may come to the surface involving business, money or authority. Stay grounded, have compassion to yourself and others, and nurture yourself. Pay attention to whatever inspiration is coming through to you now. Stay connected and continue taking action. The mind could be taking us into the darkness of our depression, anxiety or fear at this time. Pain or darkness rising to the surface— Shadows that have been hidden away from our awareness. If you feel a heaviness around you or within you, ask yourself how can you be of assistance to someone else?

As Mercury and Pluto form an exact conjunction, there is a Yod being formed, as Venus in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus, as they both quincunx and direct energy towards the moon in Libra. What do we need to feel harmony and balance in our lives? How can we experience true connection? How can we align our values and desires to experience emotional fulfillment?

The moon is also opposing Jupiter, Juno and Chiron in Aries, while creating a grand air trine with Mars in Gemini and the sun in Aquarius. Do not allow past traumas to isolate you or disconnect you from the world around you. Collaborate, connect with your community, share ideas, take inspired action, and stay open to possibilities and blessings. If we are closed off, we could miss fresh new opportunities being presented without even realizing.

This can be a powerful time of awakenings, flashes of insight and inspiration. There is so much energy that we are going to want to be moving through our bodies. Lean into pattern disruptions and doing things differently in order to welcome in fresh new energy. There are big changes sweeping through right now, both individually and collectively. If we surrender and trust, we can experience more efficiency, innovation, and even more beauty and magic than we ever could have imagined.

Lean into pure foods, clean water and nature to assist with stabilizing this energy in a way that will not shock our system emotionally. Be resilient, acknowledge how far you’ve come, and keep moving fearlessly towards your truth.


Jupiter passes retrograde shadow


Mars Sextile Chiron