Mars Sextile Chiron

Mars at 12 degrees of Gemini is forming a harmonious sextile with Chiron at 12 degrees of Aries. They will move to 13 degrees of their signs together, where they will stay until February 15th. This is an activating energy that we will be under the influence of for about 7-10 days. During this transit, THE MEDICINE IS IN TAKING ACTION.

Mars still has 5 weeks until it will clear its retrograde shadow on March 15th. Now, we are applying the lessons that were learned since Mars stationed retrograde October 30 at 24 degrees of Gemini. Do not allow yourself to get sucked into distractions. Stay focused, follow your instincts and take inspired action.

Juno will also be next to Chiron during the time of this sextile. What are committed or dedicated to? As we honor our commitments and pour energy into them, we will see what we are nurturing grow. This transit is leading up to the Sun’s conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius next week so we are being asked to step up and take responsibility for ourselves, our actions, and our lives. What do you want to see change in your life? Who do you want to be? Is the action you are taking in alignment with who you want to become?

How can we expect to create the life of our dreams when we are wishy washy about our goals or desires? How can we expect to see growth when we are never fully dedicating 100% of our energy? Focus your energy now.

February 11th we will see Pluto reach the 29th degree of Capricorn for the first time in our lives. February 27th, Saturn will reach the 29th degree of Aquarius where it has not been for 30 years. For about a week, we will be under the influence of both Saturn and Pluto at the anoretic degree of Capricorn and Aquarius. This is an energy of MASTERY. Are you serious about the person you want to become? Are you serious about your commitments that you are making to yourself and others? Are you serious about the way you want to impact the world? You will reap what you sow.

Take responsibility for yourself, your actions, and what you dream to create in this world. This is not an energy of receiving blessings through underdelivering. If we are serious about experiencing the reality of our dreams and show up every single day, that is when we will see results as we are under the influence of these life changing transits.

It isn’t going to be easy, but it is going to be so much more rewarding than staying safe. Be brave, take risks, get uncomfortable with being uncomfortable, and surrender to the change. Surrender to the transformation that has been happening deep within you for months, even years.



Mercury conjunct pluto in capricorn


Mercury Conjunct pluto — 29 degrees of capricorn