Jupiter passes retrograde shadow

February 14– As Jupiter moves beyond 8 degrees and 43 minutes of Aries, it passes where it stationed retrograde July 28th. The moon in Sagittarius is creating a supportive and expansive fire trine with Jupiter, adding to the rush of excitement, hope and acceleration. Though we still have Mars moving through the post-retrograde shadow for another month, Jupiter will assist with forward momentum and taking action. Jupiter is expansive, offering opportunities, blessings and wisdom.

In Aries, Jupiter can assist with embodying our power, self confidence, and giving us the spark of life that can help with initiating new projects and experiences. As Jupiter moves forward, it will move into a conjunction with Chiron. Will we succumb to our doubts or fears and allow them to prevent us from moving towards the life we desire? Or will we allow the pain of our past to strengthen and inspire us into taking action?

The moon is opposing Mars today so if we feel heavy emotionally, we want to move stuck emotions and stagnant energy out of the body. Mars is sextile Chiron which is adding to the emphasis of taking action and movement— This is what we can lean into for healing right now. Venus at 23 degrees is moving into an exact conjunction with Neptune at 24 degrees of Pisces. Creative energy is flowing, things may seem brighter, and there is a dreamy energy to tap into.

Though we also have the sun moving into an exact conjunction with Saturn, which could bring more of a seriousness to the air. It can also offer us supportive energy in setting boundaries and exerting our authority. We can decide our narrative and what we want to experience, which is something worth contemplating as Saturn wraps up the 3 year transit through the sign of Aquarius and prepares to ingress into Pisces on March 7.

Take accountability and responsibility for your energy. You can decide want you want to experience but it is going to take consistency, persistence and dedication. Be courageous as you enter into new adventures in your life. Move beyond your comfort zone and embody the version of yourself you’ve been dreaming of.


Venus Conjunct Neptune— Mercury square The nodes


Mercury conjunct pluto in capricorn