Mercury Conjuncts Saturn & Enters Pisces — SUrrender to the Metamorphosis

March 2– These are the final days of Saturn in Aquarius and a major transformation is taking place. Mercury, the ruler of the upcoming Virgo Full Moon forms a conjunction with Saturn before entering Pisces. Less than 1 hour after the Full Moon in Virgo March 7th, Saturn joins Mercury, the Sun and Neptune in Pisces.

The following is Dane Rudyhar’s Sabian Symbol for 29 degrees of Aquarius, where Saturn and Mercury will meet before flowing into Pisces:

“A Butterfly Emerging From A Chrysalis” —

The Capacity to utterly transform the character of one’s consciousness by radically altering the structural patterns of everyday living and the types of relationships one enters upon.

Here what is emphasized is the process of metamorphosis itself. A radical change is needed. This change is individual and mental, and should be seen against the background of humanity as a whole. What is revealed is the potential ability of every human being to participate in a higher realm of evolution AFTER his or her emergence from a critical state of transition. The keyword is metamorphosis. In spiritual terms, this implies initiation— Entering a higher realm of conscious existence and there, joining a sacred company.”

Mercury conjunct Saturn is likely going to be the last real sense of clarity for a little while. Take advantage of this time by reflecting on how far you’ve come, and where you would still like to go. Create a petition to the universe, envision your desires, speak them aloud or write them, and release them. Surrender to the flow and allow your mind to drift as Mercury enters Pisces. Dream… Imagine… Create… And allow your intuition to guide you. Focus on what you can control, and release the rest.

There is a deep well of emotional intelligence and inner knowing that can be tapped into as the Sun in Cancer moves away from a trine with Pallas, the asteroid of wisdom and intelligence. As Mercury flows into Pisces, the Moon in the Piscean Decan of Cancer, trines the Sun in Pisces. Boundaries are dissolving as we may feel drawn to explore the spiritual realms and the mysteries of the unknown. Messages from the subconscious mind will surface so pay attention to your dreams and surrender into a state of flow. The possibility for transcendental experiences is abundant.

Be mindful that we are moving closer towards Mars square Neptune, along with the Sun and Mercury in mid-March. This can bring about confusion, illusion, manipulation and deception. Stay grounded and centered to avoid drifting away and getting lost in what isn’t real.

The Sun is moving into a sextile with Uranus. Stay open to unexpected blessings and opportunities. Shake up your routine to welcome in fresh new energy. Tap into your creative expression and surrender to the flow. As Venus in Aries moves away from the conjunction with Jupiter, it forms a conjunction with Chiron. Be courageous as you allow your heart to guide you into the unknown. There is healing within being brave and taking action.

The Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto at the critical degree of Capricorn one final time before Pluto ingresses into Aquarius. Emotional patterns may rise to the surface in order to be fully surrendered and released. Pluto will return to this degree of Capricorn, so this is a theme we will revisit in the summer. Allow all that is being released at this time to create space for the new life that is emerging. Surrender to the metamorphosis and accept this initiation.


Dream A New Dream — Messages from Mars, Neptune & Uranus


Aries Stellium — Vesta, Venus, Jupiter & Chiron Conjunction