Dream A New Dream — Messages from Mars, Neptune & Uranus

As I look at the chart, there are a few placements that stand out to me as a continuation of themes we were moving through in mid to late May, as well as the fall of 2022. Pisces brings a focus to the past and now that Mercury is in Pisces, it feels right to reflect, acknowledge, and honor our journey. So we can better understand where we have been, and empower ourselves, as we prepare to go where we have not yet explored.

Uranus first reached 15 degrees 37 minutes of Taurus, where it is now, in May 2022. At that time, Venus was coming off a conjunction with Chiron in Aries, similar to now— Mars and Neptune had just began a new synodic cycle as they formed a conjunction at 25 degrees of Pisces… A significant degree we are preparing to revisit this month.

On March 15th, we will finalize the first series of squares in this new Mars-Neptune cycle. Mars is our ambition, and the way we take action. Neptune is the dream. When they come together in the sky, they initiate the beginning of a new dream we are to embark on. We prepare ourselves and we follow the dream. It’s the classic story of the hero’s journey. We take those first steps... There are expectations of how everything will play out… Yet there are always influences beyond our control that we don’t account for.

The first Mars-Neptune square was mid October, 2022, and the second was mid November. Perhaps we began to see that the dream we set out to embark on, was merely an illusion. Or at the very least, we may have questioned our beliefs due conflict we faced in our external world, triggering a storm of conflict within. Our plans changed as we faced setbacks, confusion, disappointments, delays… Possibly even more so than usual, because we were under the influence of the Saturn Uranus square, completely disrupting the foundations of our lives. Where we once found security, there was instability. The timelines were wobbly and there was so much uncertainty. In the hero’s journey, there’s always the part of the story where they realize the initial dream they set out to peruse… it dissolved. There’s pain and heartache, yet there’s also wisdom from the experiences.

So, the initial dream we set out to pursue dissolved… But we can always dream a new dream. Neptune in Pisces is teaching us to flow… Surrender… Believe…And to just keep dreaming. Time is never wasted when we set out to pursue our dreams and to experience the way it feels when we take risks and truly experience life.

Mars leaves its retrograde shadow March 15th, and Neptune leaves its shadow March 24th, the day after Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time in our lives. We set out for the journey, we gained what seems like lifetimes of experiences and wisdom over just several months… And now we keep going. We dream the new dream. Venus and Chiron coming together again in Aries remind us to remain open hearted, integrate our energy, and fearlessly follow the next dream.

Over the next couple weeks, there may be times when we question reality. What’s real? What do we believe in? What can we trust? Have faith and trust your intuition. Make plenty of time to connect with yourself so that you can understand what is real to you... Stay grounded and connect with nature… Stay anchored in this world. With Mercury moving through the abyss of Pisces, journaling can help. Or anything that can allow you to move through your conscious mind and journey into the subconscious… The realm of our dreams. That is where we will find deep wells of wisdom, as we prepare to embark on our next dream. Flow… Surrender… Believe… And just keep dreaming.


Virgo Full Moon & Saturn Enters Pisces— Clear Space for Your New Reality


Mercury Conjuncts Saturn & Enters Pisces — SUrrender to the Metamorphosis