Mercury Conjunct pluto — 29 degrees of capricorn

On February 10th, Mercury is going to move into a conjunction with Pluto at 28 degrees and 55 minutes. This is creating an interesting dynamic of the messenger, Mercury, escorting Pluto, the planet of death, rebirth and transformation, to 29 degrees of Capricorn, or the anoretic degree. This is the degree that can truly test us so we can see if we understand the lessons Pluto in Capricorn has been teaching us since 2008. As Mercury and Pluto enter into the realm of the anoretic degree together, they will both be there for a few hours until Mercury ingresses into Aquarius February 11th. During this time, we may be catching a glimpse of what Pluto in Aquarius will feel like energetically in our individual lives and collectively. This is going to be an ongoing process because Pluto will not permanently be in the sign of Aquarius until December 2024, so until then, we will be experiencing previews of this transit, as well as a final breaking down of all that is not moving forward into the new world that is being birthed.

This week while Mercury will be conjunct Pluto, Mercury will be informing us all of the different areas in our lives that are still holding us back from moving forward. Ultimately, there will be a clearing out of all that will not be moving forward with us as Pluto enters Aquarius, where it will stay for the next 20 years.

Mercury will be taking us deep into the depths of our consciousness, into areas that are usually unseen. When Mercury and Pluto come together, this can be a great time for breaking down fears that we have in our minds.

Pluto is an incredible source of power that emanates deep from within. It is an incredible source of wealth, as it rules things deep beneath the Earth’s crust, like diamonds, oil, elements and minerals that hold value and that can also be great conduits of powerful energy.

The aspect that is forming between Mercury and Pluto is acting as an energetic imprint that will last the entire journey of Pluto slowly traveling thru the 29th degree of Capricorn until it ingresses into Aquarius on March 23rd. We will see a lot of things breaking down during this time as well as a lot of truth being revealed. Information that has been repressed will rise to the surface.

From February 27th until March 7th, both Pluto and Saturn will be at the anoretic degree of Aquarius and Capricorn. Together, they will be assisting us in laying the old versions of ourselves and our old lives to rest, how we can embody more of our power, accepting responsibility of our energy and ourselves, and the commitments and dedication we need to make to in order to surrender to this incredible transformation that is taking place.

This period of time is going to be quite volatile and destructive so it is important to stay grounded, connected to ourselves and our inner vision and keep moving forward. No matter how discouraged we may seem at times as life knocks us down or as we face unexpected problems, it is important to take advantage of the momentum as time accelerates during this phase of all planets direct until April 20th. There is so much repressed energy that is boiling beneath the surface that can erupt at any moment. This is an energy of breakdowns to breakthroughs.

As we are moving through the tail end of the South Node in Scorpio, this is also illuminating shadows and what was once unseen. This will be a time of reckoning and we will need to understand our roles and what we need to do in order to move forward in this world that is going to be so vastly different than the world we have been living in.

Through the intensity of it all, we are able to harness this energy and utilize it in our lives. With Pluto, there is so much power to be cultivated. That power comes through destruction. Ultimately, it’s utilizing the ash, what was once destroyed in order to create something substantial, something new from the rubble. We can utilize this energy by understanding very deeply what in our lives needs to be cleared out. The things in our environment, the people, our jobs— Really evaluating everything in our lives to understand what is not worth bringing forward because this dead weight will only be a liability in the future. It is time to lay certain things to rest and as we surrender, release and accept, we will be able to transform and evolve our lives, ourselves, and our consciousness.

The volatility that we are seeing on Earth is happening within us all as well. Deep beneath the surface of all of every one of us, there is a lot being processed like pain, addictions, trauma, karma, heavy emotions, our shadows…

Now more than ever, there is a yearning to experience deep connections to ourselves, those around us, our environment and our purpose. When we are deprived of this connection, this is when we can experience breakdowns. It is important to stay connected to the real world during this time, as new metaverses and AI is being born every day. This is pulling us further and further away from ourselves and true depth and connection in our lives.

How can we connect with others and provide value to the world around us? How can we feel safe and secure in this world when there is so much instability? What can we do to find stability within ourselves? How can we nurture ourselves during this time of immense change and transformation. Moving forward, community and collaboration will be extremely important.

Pay extra attention to the signs, synchronicities and where you are being guided. Stay grounded and stay focused. It’s up to use to anchor in these new changes onto this Earth that will support humanity in their evolution.


Mars Sextile Chiron


Mercury moves beoynd retrograde shadow