Winter SOLSTICE 2022
Winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year, and is known as a time of reflection and renewal. This year, winter solstice falls on December 21, 2022, and is an especially potent portal. Both the sun and Jupiter are at zero degrees of cardinal signs, creating a square or an astrological aspect that is triggering change and transformation.
Astrologically, winter solstice is a time of introspection and evaluation. This is a time to pull our energy inwards and cultivate our own light, deep from within. The sun is in the sign of Capricorn, which is known for its practicality, ambition, and hard work. As the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky, it is a reminder to take a step back and assess our progress. Have we achieved our goals for the year? What can we do differently in the coming year to improve our lives and reach our full potential?
This year, the winter solstice is also marked by big planetary shifts the day before and the day after solstice is exact.
Jupiter, the planet of growth, expansion, abundance, wisdom and opportunities is moving into the sign of Aries on the 20th, after regressing back into it’s home sign of Pisces with Neptune, which was a once in a lifetime transit. Neptune and Jupiter won’t be together in their home sign again until 2188. Jupiter returning to Aries is bringing with it a sense of excitement, adventure, lessons, wisdom and new beginnings.
Chiron, the wounded healer, is turning direct after stationing retrograde July 19th which may bring up unresolved issues or past traumas that need to be addressed.
And the new moon in Capricorn on December 23rd sets the stage for new beginnings and truly amplifying the energies of planting seeds and experiencing a fresh start.
Around the time of solstice, is important to take time to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the future. This is a time to honor the natural cycle of death and rebirth, and to let go of what no longer serves us, creating space for the new to enter our lives.
With the help of astrology, we can tap into the energy of the winter solstice and use it to make positive changes in our lives. Look in your own chart to see where 0 degrees of Capricorn lies to understand where you can work towards creating positive change and solid foundations. For an added dimension, look to see where 0 degrees of Aries lies within your chart to understand where these new beginnings may be forming within your own life.
Capricorn is a very patient sign and Aries craves change, but with Mars retrograde in Gemini until January 12th and Mercury already in the pre-shadow of it’s retrograde that begins December 28th, we may feel as though we are taking one step forward and three steps back. Be patient, consistent and persistent as you honor your journey and create new routines that will eventually drastically transform your life. Trust in where your heart is guiding you and be confident as you take each step. Soon enough everything will begin to make sense!
Invite warmth, presence, stillness and live to cultivate your own inner light.
Here are a few herbs that are traditionally associated with the winter solstice and can be helpful with navigating the seasonal and energetic shifts during this time:
Pine— A grounding and centering herb that can help us connect with the earth and the natural world. It is also associated with the winter solstice because it is evergreen and remains green throughout the winter. Pine can be used in teas, incense, or as a decorative element in winter solstice celebrations.
Yarrow— A a medicinal herb that is traditionally used to strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. It is also a symbol of renewal and rebirth, making it a fitting herb for the winter solstice. Yarrow can be taken as a tea or tincture to support overall health during the winter season.
Rosemary— An aromatic herb that is known for its ability to improve memory and concentration. It is also associated with purification and protection, making it a useful herb for winter solstice rituals and ceremonies. Rosemary can be used in teas, incense, or as a decorative element in winter solstice celebrations.
Elderberry— A medicinal herb that is traditionally used to boost the immune system and fight off colds and flu. It is also associated with the winter solstice because it is a symbol of rebirth and renewal. Elderberry can be taken as a tea, syrup, or tincture to support overall health during the winter season.