EMFs & The Central Nervous System

There is undeniable unrest in the ethers as EMFs surge. Aquarius season has just begun and the modern ruler of Aquarius, Uranus is highly activated as it stations direct. Communication networks are amping up 5G and there is geomagnetic unrest as CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) enter the Earth’s atmosphere.

The Earth’s electromagnetic field is being recalibrated and the same goes for every being on the planet. Even though we don’t consciously notice the radiation and EMFs all around us, our central nervous system receives it like an antenna.

The frequencies from technology and space course through our central nervous system like electric currents, creating our electromagnetic field.

Our central nervous system plays a role in every physical, mental, emotional and spiritual function of the body. It connects us to the world around us and enables us to receive information from our environment. Our central nervous system is seemingly nowhere, yet everywhere at the same time. It taps us into the collective consciousness as it enables connection between our inner and outer worlds.

If there are disturbances in our central nervous system, it will impact the way we process information, creating disharmony and chaos within our entire system. Disturbances can manifest as anxiety, depression, headaches, heart issues, burnout, fatigue and can weaken the immune system. This can also create a long-term fight and flight response within the body which ultimately leads to autoimmune disorders as the body attacks itself. An overstimulation of the fight and flight response can lead to adrenal fatigue, thyroid and hormonal disorders.

Electromagnetic pollution is all around us and as technology evolves, they will only increase. They create disturbances within our central nervous systems and electromagnetic fields, however we are able to assist our bodies with adapting to these energies as we evolve with them.

When there is a harmonious flow within the currents of our central nervous system and electromagnetic field, we are inspired, energized, intuitive and perceptive. We are effortlessly pulled toward our manifestations as we are guided through the heart by something bigger than ourselves. We experience synchronicities, mystical experiences and even unlock psychic abilities with heightened perception.

There are 2 types of herbs we can utilize that will heal our nervous system and enable our body to adapt to our environment—

Nervines: Plants that have a healing and calming effect on the nervous system. They are natural tranquilizers that can ease stress and tension in the body. Examples of common nervines are lavender, chamomile, St. John’s wort, lemon balm, passion flower, kava kava and skullcap.

Adaptogens: Adaptogens quite literally assist the body in adapting to the environment by supporting the way the body deals with stress or the disturbances within the central nervous system. Common adaptogens are ginseng, holy basil (tulsi), ashwaganda, wild blueberries and reishi.

Additional herbs that can assist with detoxing from an over accumulation of EMFs in the body are sea vegetables like dulce or spirulina, ginger, turmeric, activated charcoal and wheatgrass.

Also be mindful to not sleep with your phone near your head, try not to use devices while they are in chargers and know that microwaves transfer poisonous radiation to food. Plants and certain crystals like shungite and hematite are able to neutralize EMFs. Be sure to stay hydrated and allow your body to rest when you need it because that is when true healing in the body takes place.


Winter SOLSTICE 2022


Uranus Stations Direct