The Eruption — Mars Completes Retrograde— Squares Neptune, The SUn & Mercury— Venus Squares Pluto

By the end of the day March 15th, the square with Neptune is exact, then the Sun and Mercury will join Neptune at 25 degrees of Pisces, where they will all square Mars. We are under the influence of this transit all week, then it will begin to fade on the 19th. Venus at 29 degrees of Aries is also adding to the intensity, because as this is happening, it will be in an exact square with Pluto in Capricorn.

Overall, this is creating an eruptive energy, where secrets, suppressed memories or emotions that have been buried deep beneath the surface could suddenly rise, seemingly out of nowhere. Things that may have been swept under the rug will be exposed and once the fog clears, many truths will be revealed. This could disrupt relationships, values or finances— Which we are already seeing on the wider world stage. Jupiter is still conjunct Chiron and Vesta in Aries, adding passion to the overall intensity and possibly even exposing wounds that need healing. The Moon is square Ceres in Libra earlier in the day, while it sextiles Saturn— This could have us asking ourselves what we need, in order to create lasting stability in our lives.

Let’s look into Dane Rudyhar’s Sabian symbol of 25 degrees of Gemini.


Bringing under control nature's power of expansion.

The intellect of man is like a tropical plant in that it tends to expand “wildly” in many directions, seeking direct contact with the sun’s rays. Like a palm tree it uses its dead leaves to protect itself against dry heat, the heat of the realm of mind when deprived of the complementary power of the feelings.

We have reached the level of fulfillment of the impulses in a tumultuous upsurge of self-assertion and protest against the past. Now this upsurge has found its place in the evolution of mankind and society. Yet the energies released seek constant expansion and therefore have to be controlled. There is need for repeated PRUNING.”

We are in the final days of the astrological year, and this is one big final release that is taking place before Aries season and the new year begins. Understand what you have learned since Mars entered Gemini in August of 2022, and understand what is ready to be released. This release may be physical, mental, emotional, energetic, or maybe even a bit of everything. Perhaps outdated belief systems need pruning… Or fears standing in the way of dreams and manifestations… Maybe limitations of what can be achieved… Or maybe even the coulda, shoulda, woulda’s of the past— The dreams or expectations of certain past situations or experiences that have drifted away.

The palm tree itself holds significance. Many ancient cultures saw this plant as a symbolism of victory, renewal and some even connected it to a Phoenix— A powerful creature that surrenders into the fire, into its own ash and experiences a metamorphosis and rebirth. The palm tree also serves as a reminder that anything is possible when we allow faith to guide us.

From the beginning to the end of this Mars retrograde, there has been pressure and tension coming from Neptune in Pisces, and now the Sun and Mercury join Neptune for this final square. This is a battle between our expression, mind, beliefs and dreams, and the way we take action. Pisces, and its ruler Neptune are very connected to faith and belief. What we choose believe can be equally as important as the action we take, because if we don’t believe something is possible, then we wont even bother taking action towards it.

On March 24th, Neptune will also move beyond its retrograde shadow, from where it initially stationed retrograde at the end of June 2022. If you feel as though your life has been reworked since last summer, or maybe you feel like the direction you sought out initially turned out to be a dead end… Could it be that perhaps your dream wasn’t big enough? Like you didn’t believe in yourself or a situation enough, so you made a compromise or settled?

This transit is transformational, and things will be changing whether we want them to or not. We can either spend our energy fighting against the changes… Or we can accept that changes are coming, and lean into them… Liberate ourselves from what was no longer working, clear the excess from our lives, understand the lessons, and continue on into the unknown— Where we are not limited by our beliefs.

And with Saturn now in Pisces, these limitations can be dissolved. Saturn is moving into a trine with the south node in Scorpio, and a sextile to the north node in Taurus. Old versions of ourselves and timelines are being healed, but to truly take advantage of this opportunity, we have to believe in ourselves and the life we want to create, and we have to be proactive in taking action and making changes. If we are willing to make commitments to ourselves, and show up every day to create space for what we truly desire, our dreams can become our reality


Lucid In The Dream— Mars Squares Pisces Stellium


Spiritual Battle & Initiating Change— Mutable T-Square & Mars Sextile Eris