Spiritual Battle & Initiating Change— Mutable T-Square & Mars Sextile Eris

We are entering into a crescendo of energy that has been building for months. There is tension and friction being created in order to initiate change. As we are leading up to the peak of the square between Mars in Gemini and Neptune, the Sun and Mercury in Pisces— The Moon in Sagittarius is creating a mutable t-square with all of these planets. The t-square will be building in intensity all day on March 14th and by the time it is exact at night, Mars will have finally reached 25 degrees of Gemini—The degree where it initially stationed retrograde October 30th, and where it will square the stellium in Pisces.

A t-square is an aspect that is impossible to ignore and we are being forced to take some sort of action. The mutable signs, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius and Virgo are adaptable, flexible, and they prepare us for change. When this t-square is exact at the end of the day, the Moon will also create a harmonious and expansive trine with Venus in Aries— While Venus moves closer into a Square with Pluto at the anoretic degrees of Capricorn and Aries.

What do you truly value and what are you willing to do for it? Are you willing to fight for what you believe in? Are you willing to sacrifice or let go of your life now in order to move into the changes you deeply desire?

Earlier in the day on March 14th, the Moon will create a quincunx with Uranus in Taurus and at the same time, create a harmonious fire trine with Chiron, Jupiter and Vesta in Aries. The quincunx with Uranus could add to the tension that is already building between the stellium of planets in Pisces and Mars in Gemini. If this happens, ground your energy and lean into something you are passionate about or tap into creative expression. Maybe even venture out of your comfort zone and try something new— Like a new workout, food, or podcast.

While Mars is at 24 degrees of Gemini, it will be in an activating sextile with Eris in Aries— Eris is known as the feminine warrior goddess of strife and discord. Astronomically, Eris is Pluto’s twin and in Greek mythology, Eris is the sister of Ares or Mars, the god of war. Eris willingly followed her brother onto the battlefield and she is even known to instigate war. In 2006, Eris was categorized as a dwarf planet, the same as Pluto. The orbit of Eris takes more than twice as long as Pluto’s and its about the same size, though astronomers believe Eris is even more dense than Pluto— Similarly to Pluto, there is great depth to Eris, that exists deep within our psyche and the subtleties of our society.

The timing of Mars sextile Eris is so synchronistic to that of the mythology, where Eris would be alongside her brother, Ares in battle. Many of us have been fighting on a spiritual battleground, even often in our dreams. We’ve been facing our own shadows, as well as the shadows of our society. And with Pluto at the critical degree of Capricorn along with the south node finishing the final degrees in Scorpio, so much of what has been hidden is being revealed. The depositors of the south node, Pluto and Mars are being heavily activated and so much is rising to the surface to be revealed. Many of us feel as through we have been betrayed by the world we live in but it is important to not be victims, and to overcome the challenges we face and allow them to contribute to our strength and our mission.

Mars is finally nearing the end of the retrograde that began during the fall eclipse season in between the first 2 squares with Neptune. Many of us were forced to adapt to the changes in our lives and pivot in a new direction— A direction that ultimately returned us closer to our truth and our reason for being here. We had to differentiate between what was real in our lives and what was an merely illusion. Many of us were able to connect more deeply with our intuition as we navigated the fog and the confusion we were faced with. We learned to slow down and understand when we needed to take action, and when we needed to observe and allow certain factors to play out.

Over the next week or two, as we move through this final Mars Neptune square, we will need to apply the lessons that we learned over the last several months. Be vigilant and have discernment, as illusion, manipulation and deception can be alluring. Do not fall into old cycles. We are being asked to move forward.

When Eris is activated, the need to fight for what one believes in is ignited. When change is needed, instability and disharmony is created. This is being activated within us all and immense change is on the horizon, though we must take action towards where our instincts or intuition is guiding us and be decisive in our action. Remember why you came here and embody that. The stars are aligning in a way that is initiating the spark that lies within is all. Our soul’s divine blueprint that is uniquely individual for each of us is being activated but we must take action towards where we are being guided— Do not allow the power within you to lie dormant.


The Eruption — Mars Completes Retrograde— Squares Neptune, The SUn & Mercury— Venus Squares Pluto


Neptune, Mercury & The Sun in Pisces Square Neptune in Gemini— PUrification