Venus Star Point in Capricorn January 8th

As Venus orbits through the sky, she creates a 5 pointed star over the course of 8 year cycles. The points of the star are created while Venus is retrograde, or appearing to move backwards in the sky. This is when Venus is closest to the earth.

While Venus retrogrades through the sign of Capricorn, she makes 2 conjunctions with the sun. Venus has her first conjunction or cazimi with the sun January 9th, 2022 at 18 degrees of Capricorn. This is known as the Venus Star Point, a term coined by astrologer, Arielle Guttman. The Venus Star point is similar to a new moon and marks the beginning of a new Venus cycle.

Venus represents everything we love and value, the feminine nature, wisdom, and beauty. When Venus is retrograde, this can bring challenges to that which we love most because everything is up for review. This transit has the potential to take us deeper into our experience of the Venusian areas of our life.

Venus in Capricorn can be serious, committed, goal oriented, and willing to work hard for what is important or meaningful. This may bring a focus on finances, work or investments. A lower expression of Venus in Capricorn can be fear of inadequacy, instability or rejection.

Though this transit can often feel extremely painful depending how it is interacting with one’s own personal chart, the pain is not without purpose. It is so we can experience life with deeper meaning, purpose and fulfillment. When Venus connects with the sun during this transit, she sacrifices her own light and surrenders to that of the sun. She travels to the darkness within herself, only to reemerge as a completely new Venus. After her interaction with the sun, she transforms herself from an evening star into a morning star.

This transformation represents something in our own lives we may have to sacrifice in order to become anew once again. To understand how this may be affecting your personal chart, look to see what house Capricorn occupies in your chart. Also look to see if you have any planets at 18 degrees of any sign, as this can also have an impact on these Venus Star Point energies.

Because this Venus Star Point is happening in Capricorn, Saturn is the ruler of this transit. Saturn is reminding us the importance of staying committed to what we love, creating time for what we value and staying consistent by showing up every day.

While Venus connects with the sun, Saturn is in Aquarius just 2 degrees away from an exact square with Uranus. Uranus is bringing the element of shocking developments or sudden awakenings.

How might you allow Venus to transform your life? These are long term transformations occurring during this transit. Venus in Capricorn knows that anything with true value comes at a price. Do you realize how much value you hold? Do those you offer your time and energy to see your value? Does your life consist of equal energy exchanges or is there an imbalance?

Allow yourself to awaken to the beauty within yourself. Truly feel the value you hold within. Surrender to your soft yet powerful feminine nature. Create the life you deeply desire through consistency and commitments.


Full Moon in Cancer


Major Transits in 2022