The First Mercury Rx of 2022
Like 2020, Mercury will have 4 retrogrades in 2022. The first retrograde is split between the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn. Mercury enters the pre-shadow December 29th in Capricorn, stations retrograde January 14th in Aquarius, stations direct February 3rd in Capricorn, and finally leaves the retrograde shadow February 24th and continues the journey through Aquarius.
Mercury in an exact square with Uranus as it begins its retrograde
Mercury rules over things like communication, information, travel and technology so these areas will be highlighted.
The energy in the chart above will carry an influence with Mercury during this retrograde cycle. Mercury in Aquarius is in an exact square with Uranus in Taurus, while being in a fairly close conjunction with Saturn. This is continuing the conversation Saturn and Uranus had throughout 2021, while squaring one another. As the ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius, Saturn is the ruler of this retrograde.
In this chart, there is also a mutable T-square between Neptune, the moon and Mars. A T-square is one of the more intense and volatile transits and mutable signs want change. They are flexible, adaptable, and can experience restlessness when change is overdue. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable, because this Mercury retrograde is going to assist you with initiating lasting changes in your life. Choosing to stay comfortable is only going to lead you to being even more uncomfortable.
Mercury will be transiting back to 24 degrees of Capricorn, at the exact placement of the sun when the retrograde begins. The sun is just 2 degrees away from an exact conjunction with Pluto. This aspect has intensity and depth, with the goal of self knowledge and psychological transformation. This retrograde cycle will have us going deep beneath the surface of our mind to create lasting changes that will stand the test of time. It is time to take control of your life and fully step into your power.
Mercury will be starting off in the fixed sign of Aquarius; A sign that doesn’t often initiate change unless it’s absolutely necessary, while in a tense aspect with the planet that rules sudden change, Uranus.
Mental health is going to play a large role in 2022 because of Neptune’s influence and it begins with this Mercury retrograde, as Mercury rules the mind. Yes, there are changes that need to occur, but first let’s take some deep breaths, ground ourselves, and take a step back to understand what we may have missed along the way.
Saturn, the ruler of this retrograde wants to make sure everything is done right. There needs to be a solid foundation in order for something to have longevity. In order to create the solid foundation, there needs to be consistency. If something is to last, there must be consideration for the future.
This is not the time to rush the process in order to complete something as quickly as possible because of the impulse that something needs to be changed immediately. The changes that are so deeply desired will be a result of showing up every day with integrity, discipline, structure and routine.