Saturn Uranus square 2021-2022
Christmas Eve marks the final exact square between the ancient and modern ruler of Aquarius— Saturn and Uranus. Because of the planets’ retrogrades, this transit was exact a total of 3 times throughout 2021.
This energy has been prominent throughout the entire year but the dates this transit was exact were February 17th, June 14th and finally December 24th.
Though these planets will not be in an exact square again for another 22 years, they will be as close as 1 degree away from an exact square during 2022.
Squares are tense aspects that create friction and so much discomfort that some sort of change has to happen. Saturn represents foundations, structures and limitations. Uranus on the other hand is rebellious and craves sudden change which often lead to awakenings.
Saturnine energies can feel cold, though Saturn teaches important lessons about responsibility. If something isn’t quite working in the area of the chart Saturn is traveling through, there will be a thorough reconstruction. Because Saturn takes its time, this is usually a long and uncomfortable process.
Like a lightening strike, Uranus will send shockwaves to the area of your chart it is traveling through. With this energy, things can change abruptly and suddenly, without notice.
While traveling through Taurus, Uranus will bring sweeping change to all things related to this Earth sign. Resources, belongings, what we value, and even Earth changes like landslides and earthquakes.
Taurus is a steady and stable energy, which is exactly we saw so much instability in our lives and in the collective throughout 2021. The energy of this transit brought challenges individually and collectively relating to a constant expansion followed by contraction. The feeling of breaking free only to soon find more restraints.
We saw the back and forth of Saturn imposing restrictions and limitations with Uranus fighting for innovation and freedom.
Old Institutions Clashing with Innovation
Financial institutions have been experiencing the ebb and flow of these energies and will continue to change and evolve as this transit nears exact again during 2022— Especially as the United States experiences its first Pluto Return in Capricorn in the 2nd house, which is ruled by Taurus.
Uranus will be in Taurus until 2026, so until then follow the money and keep an eye on the dollar, cryptocurrencies, resources and central banks. The changes have been gradual so far, but it’s only a matter of time until we see how much has rapidly changed.
We stand between the old world with outdated institutions and the new Earth we are moving into that brings change and innovation. It may seem like these changes are taking forever, but with Uranus involved, it’s only a matter of time until something unexpected strikes that will instantly usher us into the new way of living.