Phoenix Rising & Aries Season

The first Aries New Moon of 2 is exact March 21st at 1:23pm est. Be sure to adjust accordingly for your own time zone. To understand how this Aries New Moon is going to play out in your life, look to 0 degrees and 50 minutes of Aries— Pay attention to any planets or placements you have in this area of your chart.

No mater how uncertain the world around us may seem, there is still beauty that surrounds us. Remembering our values and staying connected to them can help as we navigate through the possible chaos and confusion. It’s important at this time to choose our battles and understand who or what we are fighting for. The external noise is going to continue to get louder and louder but our soul and our spirit is also speaking to us louder and with more clarity, if we allow ourselves to listen.

We enter into the new astrological new year and Aries season, with the ruler of Aries, Mars, moving into an inconjunct with Pluto at the final minutes of capricorn. Pluto will be entering Aquarius just 3 days after the beginning of Aries season, on the 23rd. On the 24th, Neptune is moving out of shadow. Mars has finally moved beyond its retrograde shadow but is still only about 2 degrees away from a square with the Sun and Neptune.

The Sun and Mercury have joined the Stellium of planets, dwarf planets and astroids in Aries. So in the sign of Aries, we have the Sun, Mercury, Chiron, Jupiter, Vesta and Eris. Jupiter is still only 2 degrees away from Chiron. There is a lot of fiery energy but also there seems to be hesitancy, confusion or displaced anger when we look at Mars and the aspects coming from Pluto, the Sun and Neptune. Mars is finally moving on to new territory but it is preparing to enter Cancer, where it is at its fall.

There could be a battle of the egos happening, maybe internally we are battling our own ego or externally we are battling the egos of others. People could be short tempered, in certain situations, we might even find ourselves having a short fuse. There is so much emphasis on Aries, which is like short bursts, or sparks of Energy. Mars has been basically dragged through the hedges, or even dragging us through the hedges and people might just be fed up. Patience could be depleted. But if we are able to move through the emotions of anger, or regret, shame, guilt… and really just let go, there is also very inspirational energy that is coming through, with bursts of energy that can help with initiating.

Pay attention to what your body needs at this time in order to avoid getting burnt out. When there is an excess of Aries or Mars energy, it could lead to fevers, inflammation or headaches. Now more than usual, when consuming a lot of caffeine, alcohol, sweets or processed food, it can create an imbalance of the body’s natural acid-base or pH levels. Our fight and flight response in our body could be overly stimulated so be sure to balance out action with rest and restoration. There is a strong emphasis in the chart of bringing balance into our lives.

Leading up to and during the equinox, we have a dark moon conjunct Saturn and Neptune in Pisces the final sign of the zodiac, ruler of the 12th house, the house of self undoing and the great unknown— Where there is a massive clearing of energy in order to move forward into the spring. So even though there is a rush of energy and a desire to initiate, there could be a feeling of being immersed in fog and an uncertainty of how to navigate through it. Especially with Mars and Neptune still in a square.

We are beginning new cycles— A new astrological year, Saturn is in a new sign… and unlike the last 6 years, Saturn is in a sign that it is not a ruler or co-ruler of. Pluto will be moving into a new sign 2 days after this new moon, but only for two and a half months and then its going back into Capricorn. So we are still in the process of completing very big cycles. Mars still has not left Gemini, where its been since August 2022– Which is a big deal because when Mars is not retrograde, which it only goes retrograde once every two years, Mars moves through a sign in about 2 months. So this is a cycle that we are still finalizing as we enter the new astrological new year. Though Mars does enter Cancer on March 25th, that is not the energy of this equinox that is setting the tone for the next 3 months.

The nodes only have 4 more degrees to go before they change signs but first, we have the first Aries eclipse in April at the anoretic degree, the final degree of Aries and the eclipse will be squared by Pluto. And as Pluto moves forward, the nodes move in a retrograde movement and they will form a fixed t-square with Pluto. In May, we still have the final Scorpio eclipse before the nodes change signs and at time, the co-despositers of the south node in Scorpio, Pluto and Mars, will be oppose one another, forming a fixed cross with the north and south nodes. So there are a lot of big changes happening and new energy that we are moving into, but first we do still have a lot of cycles to finalize and a lot of systems and structures in our lives are still breaking down. There is still a very big energetic clearing that we are in the process of.

It’s fascinating to me that at the time of the equinox and the Aries New Moon, the sun is going to be in an exact opposition with Ceres at zero degrees of Libra, as it is closest to the Earth. Ceres is connected to the equinoxes because in mythology, she is the reason for the separation between the winter and fall — and the spring and summer. In mythology, Ceres had her daughter taken away by Jupiter and was traded to Pluto, in the underworld. Ceres was outraged when she found out what happened so Pluto and Ceres made an agreement that she could have her daughter for 6 months out of the year, during the spring and summer. This is when the Earth flourished, crops grew, there was life. However on the other hand, during the fall and winter, while Cere’s daughter was in the underworld with Pluto, she was miserable so she made the world suffer with her. There was no life, everything on Earth was dying.

So Ceres is not only connected to the harvest but also death, and notice how the glyph is a scythe, like what a grim reaper holds. But Ceres is also connected to the way that we nurture ourselves and navigate life during the extreme highs and the extreme lows. We want to understand how to navigate the seasons of our lives in a way that is sustainable. We want to understand how to nurture ourselves when it does feel like we are being dragged into the depths of hell during certain phases of our lives and ultimately, we want to move towards balance. Where we are aware of our energy and what we need or how full our cups are. And when it feels like we are starting to get depleted, we have those things that we are able to lean into to nurture ourselves and restore our energy so that we can keep going.

This opposition that is happening at the time of the new moon, while the Sun, Moon and Ceres are all at 0 degrees is emphasizing the importance of balance at this time. Yes we are beginning cycles, but we are also ending them. We are growing and tending to the harvest, but we are also clearing out and removing the death or excess from our lives. This new moon is sextile Pluto, while Pluto is trine Ceres. There is a big emphasis on a massive clearing, acceptance and letting go. Pluto and Ceres both made a sacrifice and compromise. So there could be certain areas in our lives right now where we have to do the same. This Aries season has a strong energy of alchemy, like a Phoenix, using fire to transform into a completely different state. As we leave Aries season, we will be completely transformed.

During Mars 7 month journey in Gemini, we learned when to take action, and when to observe, as well as how to best use our energy in a way that preserves it. The 12th house energy is strong in all of our lives now since Saturn has joined Neptune in Pisces. The energetic imprint of this astrological new year is a dark moon in Pisces so there is a very internal energy, an energy of reflection that is happening as well as taking action. We have to pay attention to the way we are feeling internally to understand what we need in each moment and how to navigate this energy and transformation in our lives. It’s important to reflect on the themes and cycles that we have learned over the last several years in order to understand how we can evolve from the cycles that we may have been trapped in so that we can move on into new lessons and themes.

We don’t want to be bringing old baggage with us into our new lives. We want to be creating space for the lives we want. We want to be clearing space energetically, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually… This world is going through dramatic changes so its likely that our personal lives will as well. It is a process that we have entered into. We can not be clinging onto our old lives that are dissolving. We need to focus on moving forward and how we can create strong foundations and structures in the new lives that are being created whether we want them to or not.

We can understand how Pluto transformed certain areas of our lives since 2008, so look to the houses, planets and placements Capricorn rules in your chart to understand themes of power, transformation and loss that may have happened. How are you able to navigate changes in your life? Do you cling on until things get so unbearable or are you able to understand when a situation has played itself out and is ready to be transformed. Where might you have given your power away to people or situations? Are there harsh truths that you have been avoiding or ignoring?

Mars has been in Gemini since August— What house is Gemini in within your chart and do you have any planets or placements there? What have you learned since August regarding the direction of your life, your goals, the way you take action or your beliefs involving what you can achieve in your life? In what ways might you be wasting your energy and how can you instead, be investing your energy into things that can last long term? Since the first Mars Neptune square in mid October, were you workin through confusion or manipulation? Mars is still pulling away from the third Neptune square that happened on March 15th so these are themes and patterns that we are still processing, especially because Neptune creates a fog and makes it difficult to see. We are still moving through this strange space of uncertainty of what is real and what is an illusion. And especially because Saturn is in Neptunes house now in the sign of Pisces. So as you can see, when we look at what has been going on with the astrology, there is a lot to unpack and we are going to be working through a lot.

We are in a period of time where these big outer planets, that impact humanity collectively, they are making really big shifts. 2020 was the year of the conjunctions and now we have entered into a time where Saturn and Pluto have changed signs within weeks of each other. And so now Saturn and Pluto are finally more than 30 degrees apart for the first time since 2016, but Pluto is going to be going back and forth over 0 degrees of Aquarius until December 2024, and every time it does that, it is going to be triggering the 2020 Saturn Jupiter conjunction at 0 degrees of Aquarius. What was happening in your life in December 2020 and January 2021? Because every time Pluto moves over 0 degrees of Aquarius from March 23rd until December 2024, it will be triggering the degree of the Saturn Jupiter Conjunction.

This conjunction is known to be connected to the rise and fall of kings and empires. So yes that conjunction happened over 2 years ago, but that was only the start of a 20 year cycle that is playing out in our lives and the world around us. And if we really went deep into it, it was the beginning of a new cycle of Saturn and Jupiter conjunctions happening in Air signs which began a new 240 year cycle. And the last time Saturn and Jupiter were so close in the sky during their conjunction that they looked like a single planet was in 1226… The Middle Ages.

So I say all of that to say this— These transits that are happening take YEARS to fully play out. They happen, we talk about them and then we move onto the next transit because new ones are happening all the time… But these major transits that have been happening take YEARS to fully play out. And on top of that— We are living on earth during a time of very long cycles coming to an end and new one’s beginning. It’s like this convergence of all these different cycles where they meet together and the possibilities of what can happen are exponential.

It makes me think of a past life regression session I did a couple years ago. A man was in between lives and he was somewhere he described as a train station. It was so busy and there were so many people… souls… coming and going. That’s like what’s happening right now— We are all coming and going, at the station that is earth. And whatever happens here impacts what is to come next individually, collectively, and even planetarily, impacting the whole universe. But not only are we meeting on earth at this time, all of the planets are coming together in these big ways. At this convergence.

This is where our karma is playing out and we can not escape it. Sometimes I don’t like to use certain words because they have been so played out and the meaning has become diluted… We are at a point now where we are directly facing our past as we navigate the present. There was once a time when we could be blissfully ignorant to our past… our traumas… or karma… our cycles or patterns… But we can not escape them any longer because the more we try to act like they aren’t there, the louder they become in our subconscious mind, and our external world directly reflects what is happening within.

Venus has now moved on to Taurus, the home sign of Venus and is conjunct the North Node, alongside Juno as Aries season begins. This can be a great time to make a new commitment to yourself. This is also a reminder to be so firmly grounded in ourselves so that we are deeply connected with our values and do not fall into old south node Scorpio cycles. This is a time when we want to be moving in integrity. So much corruption is coming to the surface on the collective level and so because of that, we can trust that in our own lives, truth will be rising to the surface and this also goes back to the 12th house energy of self undoing.

How do we hold ourselves back? How do we keep ourselves trapped in cycles that prevent us from being more connected with ourselves on a spiritual level. Are we numbing ourselves or distracting ourselves or getting involved in situations that are filling voids? These are the types of cycles that we want to be evolving out of so that we don’t have to keep going through them, living through the same situations in different settings with the same characters disguised as different people. Focus on where you want to be in your life or what you want your life to look like and make plans in order to create tangible changes.

The new moon is less than 24 hours after the Sun enters Aries. Mars, the ruler of this new moon is still square the Sun and Neptune, so this new moon squares Mars. Mars is also creating a quincunx with Pluto, that is going to be entering Aquarius only 2 days after this new moon, on the 23rd. So again, Mars and Pluto are the co-despositers of the south node in Scorpio and the south node only has 4 degrees of Scorpio left. There is a lot of power that we have within our reserves to tap into as we are nearing the end of this 18 month journey of the nodes in the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Fears will be rising to the surface and as we face them and overcome them, we embody more of our power.

If we choose to ignore our fears or suppressed pain, they will continue to follow us and haunt us. Pay close attention to fears you still hold onto and be aware how you may be held back by them, especially as Mercury in Aries forms a quincunx with the south node. This is a powerful time of transmutation, where we can transform fear into love or our greatest pain and traumas into our greatest strength or power. Be aware of power struggles or how you may willingly give your power away to people or situations. In mid-may, once Mars enters Leo— Mars will be in an opposition with Pluto in Aquarius and they will both be square the nodes, creating a fixed cross. If we aren’t learning the lessons now, trusting in our power and embodying it, we will be greatly challenged by that transit.

Listen to your instincts and intuition right now and follow what you are sensing. With Mars and Pluto quincunx one another right now, we need to figure out how to connect their energies otherwise we may find ourselves being debilitated by anger, where impulsive arguments keep happening. Bridges can be burned under this influence so if you find yourself in a tense situation, take a step back and try to get a wider perspective.

Mars has finally moved past its retrograde shadow so there could be an energy of wanting to initiate and move towards new things but there could still be fog and confusion coming from Neptune. As the Neptunian fog clears, suppressed information and harsh truths will be surfacing. Corruption is being revealed, which we have already been seeing, as Pluto at the anoretic degree of capricorn completely destroys so many different aspects our society and even breaking down structures within our own lives.

Mars is moving into a water trine with Saturn— This is an aspect that can assist us in creating new foundations in our lives. Be patient and have discipline to create lasting changes. Mars in Cancer can move intuitively and Saturn in Pisces can create lasting changes while tapping into infinite possibilities. Trust your intuition and explore what you are passionate about. Envision a goal and move persistently towards it.

We are moving through very big changes in our lives and this world. Protect your energy. Stay balanced. Take chances towards the life you dream to create. Stay grounded. Trust and follow your instincts. And surrender to the transformation.


Lucid In The Dream— Mars Squares Pisces Stellium