Creating from the Zero Point with Saturn In Pisces

As we are coming off the Virgo Full Moon and the Moon’s square to Mars in Gemini, the Moon is very busy making aspects. Many of us may feel as though we are being pulled energetically in many different directions. It could even feel like we are on some sort of emotional roller coaster, completely unsure of the destination.

The night of the full moon and into the early hours of the morning, the Moon moves into an opposition with Neptune in Pisces. This could be an active night of dreaming as the subconscious mind is illuminating. If you have been wanting to begin a dream journal, now is the time— With the influence of the Virgo Moon creating tension with Mars in Gemini, along with an intuitive Mercury flowing through Pisces and Saturn, now at 0 degrees of Pisces.

Shortly after the Moon’s opposition to Neptune in the earlier part of the day, it moves into an earth trine with Pluto at the 29th degree. Coming off the full moon, many of us are likely experiencing a depth of emotions, or craving deeper connections. Ground these emotions into something tangible.

Once the moon enters Libra, the only earth placements are erratic and destabilizing Pluto at the critical degree of Capricorn along with Uranus and the North Node in Taurus. Stay grounded and connect with nature to avoid getting caught up in the emotions of others or the collective consciousness. If you feel confused or overwhelmed, that is your sign to ground into your body, your environment, and the earth. We are moving deeper into Mars square Neptune so we will want to stay centered in ourselves to have a strong understanding of our values while we navigate the next couple weeks. Stay focused and do not allow distractions, lies, manipulation or propaganda to pull you away from your mission or goals.

Pallas in Cancer is square Vesta, Jupiter and Chiron in Aries. Through tension or challenges, we can see what mental blocks prevent us from taking action. As we heal ourselves, we heal the world. Is there something you have been wanting to start? What might be holding you back? Allow any triggers or challenging situations that may arise to guide you. Move through these situations and heal yourself through taking action and pouring energy into yourself.

In Libra, the Moon forms a conjunction with Ceres, astroid of the harvest and renewal. They create a quincunx with the North Node in Taurus. What do you need to feel balance and harmony within yourself and your environment? How can the resources you already have help you in feeling stable and secure? How can these resources contribute to solid foundations and long lasting structures within your life?

As Saturn left Aquarius, a chapter of our lives completed. Do not discredit the previous chapter, because the next will build upon it. Now, we create a new chapter in our lives. What house does zero degrees of Pisces fall in, within your chart? We can merge Saturn’s lessons of discipline, structure, routine, and authority with the dreamy, synchronistic and magical energy of Pisces— To create solid foundations and bring structure to our dreams.

What new practice, discipline, routine or ritual can you commit to that will bring you closer to the unseen realms? To connect with yourself more deeply, at a more spiritual level… What spiritual gifts or abilities would you like to explore within yourself? How can you be of service to others? What dreams do you have that you would like to experience in your reality? Saturn, the physical manifestation of our reality is at the zero point of Pisces— We are at a zero point… And we are immersed in a sea of possibilities.

I am going to leave you with a quote that will be useful to keep in mind during Saturn’s transit in Pisces. This is from astrologer, Erin Sullivan’s book, “Saturn in Transit: Boundaries of Mind, Body and Soul”—

The tragic flaw with Saturn in Pisces is undue sensitivity to collective pain. This results in a lack of connectedness with one’s own pain, in turn leading to a form of self-anointed martyrdom. The worst fear is drowning in the collective sorrows and being lost in the sea of the masses. This fear leads to withdrawal from people into a world of even less controllable energies— The world of spirit. The cure is developing an awareness of one’s inner boundaries, those which separate oneself as an individual from the culture or the collective. Creating boundaries will enhance self-definition, which in turn leads to being helpful to the collective.


Saturn At Zero Degrees of Pisces & Water Consciousness


Virgo Full Moon & Saturn Enters Pisces— Clear Space for Your New Reality